
From September 8 to 15, 2024:

Who is it for:
laity, clergy, nuns, deacons, friars

The International Eucharistic Congress is aimed at lay people, religious, consecrated persons, priests, and bishops in general. Everyone is invited to participate.

Quito Metropolitan Convention Center

The International Eucharistic Congress will take place at the Quito Metropolitan Convention Center “CCMQ”. The Convention Center is the most modern and functional facility in Ecuador, it brings together all the characteristics and conditions for the development of large events, congresses, fairs, exhibitions and conventions.

Its location in Quito is privileged. Quito, a world heritage city declared by UNESCO in 1973, makes it a tourist destination.

Congress Speakers

Congress Programming

Choose the day you want to consult or see the entire agenda

08 SEP 2024

Opening Eucharist

First Communions

10h00 Opening Eucharist
Place: Esplanade of Bicentennial Park
Presides: Msgr. Alfredo José Espinoza Mateus,sdb Archbishop of Quito and Primate of Ecuador
09 SEP 2024

Wounded world

"Where is your brother?" (Gn 4, 9)

07h00 Accreditations
08h30 Eucharist
Presides: Msgr. Jaime Spengler - Archbishop of Porto Alegre and President of CELAM
09h45 Welcome
10h00 Conference:
Theme: "Wounded World"
Juan Manuel CoteloSpanish producer and screenwriter
11h00 Break
11h45 Dialogue:
Theme: Wounds of today's world
Dr. Rodrigo Guerra
Secretary of the Pontifical Council for Latin America
Theme: Wounds in the city
Lcdo. Pabel Muñoz
Metropolitan Mayor of Quito
13h00 Lunch
15h00 Testimony:
Msgr. Hryhoriy Komar
Auxiliary Bishop of Sambir - Ukraine
11 SEP 2024

Eucharist and transfiguration of the world

"He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me, and I in him" (Juan 6, 56).

08h00 Arrival
08h30 Eucharist
Presides: Cardinal Mauro Gambetti, OFM. Conv. Vicar General of His Holiness for Vatican City
09h45 Conference:
Theme: "Eucharist and transfiguration of the World"
Msgr. Andrew Cozzens
Bishop of Crookston
10h45 Break
11h30 Testimonies:
Fr. José Antonio Maeso Gonzál
María de Lourdes Amador
13h00 Lunch
15h00 Conference:
Theme: "The Sacred Heart of Jesus: Fraternity Requirement"
Msgr. José Ignacio Munilla
Bishop of Orihuela - Alicante
12 SEP 2024

For a synodal Church

"Love one another as I have loved you" (Juan 13, 34)

08h00 Prayer
08h30 Conference::
Theme: “For a Synodal Church”
Cardinal Mauro Gambetti OFM Conv
Vicar General of His Holiness for Vatican City
09h30 Dialogue:
Lay: Mary Wu - Taiwán
Marriage: Max and María Gabriela Ammann
10h30 Break
11h15 Conference:
Theme: "The family in the light of the Eucharist, fraternity school"
Mons. Graziano Borgonovo
Undersecretary of the Dicastery for Evangelization
12h15 Testimony:
Andrea Losi
Mato Grosso Family
13h00 Lunch
18h00 Masses in different languages in the Quito Historic Center: Spanish Afro, English, French, Italian, German, Kichwa, Portuguese, Chinese.
13 SEP 2024

Eucharist psalm of fraternity

"You are all brothers" (Mt 23, 8)

08h00 Arrival
08h30 Eucharist
Presides: Msgr. Anthony Fisher, OP. – Archbishop of Sydney
09h45 Conference:
Tema: "Eucharist: Psalm of Fraternity"
Pablo Martínez
Argentine singer-songwriter
10h45 Break
11h30 Testimonies:
Msgr. Rafael Cob (REPAM)
Mother Verónica de la Santa Faz
Prioress of the Cármen Alto monastery
12h30 Conference:
“Hope is the Eucharist: on the road to Jubilee 2025”
Msgr. Graziano Borgonovo
Undersecretary of the Dicastery for Evangelization
13h00 Lunch
17h00 Catholic Concert
"Fraternity to heal the world"
14 SEP 2024

Eucharistic procession

16h30 Eucharist and Procession with the Blessed Sacrament in the Quito Historic Center
Lugar: Quito Historic Center
Preside: Msgr. Luis Cabrera, OFM – Archbishop of Guayaquil and President of the Ecuadorian Episcopal Conference
15 SEP 2024

Closing Eucharist
Statio Orbis

10h00 Closing Eucharist - Statio Orbis
Preside: Cardinal Baltazar Porras – Pontifical Legate