
International Theological Symposium: Spots Fully Booked

The International Theological Symposium, scheduled to take place from September 4 to 7 at the Cultural Center of the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador (PUCE) in Quito, has generated great interest. The organizers of the symposium appreciate the enthusiastic response to this academic event, which will focus on the theme “Brotherhood to Heal the World.”

Registration Closed

With the maximum capacity of the main auditorium at PUCE having been reached, registration for this academic event is now closed.

This specialized event, aimed at studying the Eucharist and the relationship between Christian faith and social reality through the lens of fraternity, will bring together prominent scholars and experts in sacramental and pastoral theology from prestigious universities around the world.

The symposium is directed at theologians, academics, theology students, as well as seminary and formation house instructors, and those interested in the study of fraternity and the Eucharist.


The International Theological Symposium will feature distinguished academics and specialists, including:

  • Dr. Rosalía Arteaga (Ecuador), Executive President of the FIDAL Foundation
  • Dr. Gonzalo Ortiz Crespo (Ecuador), Journalist, Writer, and Member of the National Academy of History
  • Dr. Vitória Andreatta De Carli (Brazil), Auditor of the Ecclesiastical Tribunal of Porto Alegre, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul
  • Fr. Paolo Morocutti (Italy), Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Pontifical Gregorian University, LUMSA University in Rome
  • Dr. Rodrigo Guerra (Mexico), Secretary of the Pontifical Council for Latin America
  • Fr. Pablo Blanco (Spain), University of Navarra
  • Fr. Damian Howard, SJ (England), University of Oxford
  • Msc. Juan Carlos Holguín (Ecuador), Businessman and Former Chancellor
  • Fr. Fernando Roca, SJ (Peru), Catholic University of Peru
  • Monsignor Anthony Fisher, OP (Australia), Archbishop of Sydney


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