
The IEC 2024 and its impact on social and political life

Monsignor Edgar Peña, Substitute of the Vatican Secretariat of State, received the official delegation of the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress chaired by Monsignor Alfredo José Espinoza Mateus, Archbishop of Quito and Primate of Ecuador. He motivated the spirit of synodality to be experienced at the Eucharistic Congress, with the presence of more women, young people and families in general.

He highlighted the importance of digital communication in current times, which favors the transmission of evangelizing messages. He referred to Quito as a beautiful city and to IEC 2024, as a reason for “encounter” for the Church and the world.

On his behalf, the Archbishop of Quito confirmed that the Congress will address, among other topics, issues related to universal fraternity, while Father Juan Carlos Garzón, general secretary of the IEC 2024, referred to the importance of the Congress to not be clericalized.

The Substitute of the Vatican Secretariat of State highlighted that adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is a way of manifesting the presence of a living God to the people.

Also present at the meeting were: Monsignor Marcos Pérez Caicedo, Archbishop of Cuenca and delegate of the Ecuadorian Episcopal Conference for International Eucharistic Congresses; Fr. Corrado Maggioni, president of the Pontifical Committee for International Eucharistic Congresses; and Father Gilbert Jiménez, private secretary in the Archdiocese of Quito.

It was a cordial meeting, which strengthens the spirit and encourages us to advance at a firm pace, on this path towards the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress.

#congresoeucaristico2024 #iec2024

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