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Content of Interest

Press Room


Date: June 5, 2024

Forming hearts of brotherhood in the educational world

Cuenca, June 5, 2024 Editor: María José Casco In a joint effort to promote the importance of fraternity and the Eucharist, rectors, religion teachers, nuns and representatives of the Student Counseling Department of the Catholic and fiscomisional educational units of the provinces of Azuay and Cañar met at the Fiscomisional Educational Unit Sister Teresa Valsé, […]

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Date: June 4, 2024

Eucharist: Source of fraternity in the educational world

Loja, June 4, 2024 Editor: María José Casco The Eucharist plays a fundamental role in the comprehensive formation of students, since it allows them to get closer to God, as stated by Sister. Dina María Orellana, president of the Federation of Catholic Education Establishments (Fedec) in Loja, who highlighted the importance of the Eucharist in […]

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Date: June 3, 2024

Quito celebrates Corpus Christi 2024 with devotion

Quito, June 2, 2024 Editor: Genesis Almeida With a fervent demonstration of faith and brotherhood, Quito celebrated the solemnity of Corpus Christi, one of the most important religious events in the liturgical calendar. The ceremony, which brought together hundreds of faithful, was marked by a solemn Eucharist and the procession that toured the main streets […]

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Date: May 30, 2024

The Caravan of Fraternity visited the province of Chimborazo

Riobamba, May 30, 2024 Editor: María José Casco This Thursday, May 30, the Caravan of Fraternity arrived in the Diocese of Riobamba to continue the socialization of IEC 2024. The meeting was held at the Fiscomisional PCEI Educational Unit (People with Unfinished Schooling) of Chimborazo, in the city of Riobamba. Its principal Gonzalo Guerrero welcomed […]

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Date: May 29, 2024

Fraternity Caravan made the IEC 2024 present in the Amazon region

Puyo, May 29, 2024 Editor: María José Casco This May 29, the Caravan of Fraternity arrived at the Apostolic Vicariate of Puyo, where the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress (IEC 2024) was made present. At the Indipungo Training Center, the delegates of IEC 2024 and the Ecuadorian Confederation of Catholic Education Establishments (Confedec) took the message […]

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Date: May 28, 2024

Guayaquil hosts the symbol of the International Eucharistic Congress 2024

Quito, May 27 Editor: Steven Pincay Guayaquil, (SCAG).- The Gospel of the International Eucharistic Congress 2024 (IEC 2024) toured the Archdiocese of Guayaquil after passing through the Diocese of Santa Elena. This symbol began its pilgrimage on April 21 until May 26; visiting 28 parishes, 7 educational units and 2 health centers of the “Pearl […]

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Date: May 27, 2024

Fraternity Caravan began in Tulcán

With the aim of enlivening the Eucharistic spirituality of children and young people in the country’s Catholic and trustee educational institutions, the “Caravan of Fraternity” began on May 27. The tour began at the Nuestra Señora de la Paz Seminary, in the city of Tulcán, socializing the IEC 2024 with representatives of various educational institutions. […]

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Date: May 24, 2024

Encouraging spirituality: The caravan of fraternity will reach the educational world

Quito, May 24, 2024 Editor: María José Casco Within the framework of the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress (IEC 2024) and under the theme “Fraternity to heal the world”, the “Caravan of Fraternity” is being planned, which will tour various Catholic schools as well as private education institutions that receive government aid in several provinces of […]

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Date: May 22, 2024

Pope Francis receives Official Delegation of the IEC 2024

Pope Francis received the visit of the Official Delegation of the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress, IEC 2024. The meeting took place in the room attached to the Paul VI Auditorium of the Holy See, on Wednesday, May 22, 2024. In an atmosphere of fraternity and with the warmth that he is known for, the Holy […]

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Date: May 22, 2024

A fraternal meeting with the Pontifical Commission for Latin America

On Tuesday, May 21, Bishop Alfredo Espinoza sdb., together with the delegates of the IEC 2024, visited the Pontifical Commission for Latin America to present the progress of the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress and invite them to participate in the IEC 2024 that will take place in September in Quito. The secretary of the Pontifical […]

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