Content of Interest

Press Room


Date: August 1, 2024

Quito’s Legacy at the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress: Faith and Fraternity

Quito, August 1, 2024 Written by: María José Casco Quito has stood out for its deep Eucharistic devotion since the Consecration of Ecuador to the Sacred Heart of Jesus on March 25, 1874. Sister Patricia Gualpa, an Oblate of the Most Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, highlighted this during her appearance on the program […]

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Date: July 30, 2024

Preparations Progress: Logistical and Security Coordination for IEC 2024 in Quito

Quito, July 29 Written by: María José Casco Delegates from IEC 2024 and the Metropolitan District of Quito coordinated logistical and security aspects for the upcoming Theological Symposium and the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress. In the context of presenting the program for the Theological Symposium, scheduled from September 4 to 7, and the 53rd International […]

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Date: July 29, 2024

The Diocese of Ibarra Experienced the Pre-Eucharistic Congress

Ibarra, July 25, 2024 Written by: Alex Campués Motivated by the recent Solemnity of Corpus Christi and as part of the preparatory activities for IEC 2024, the Diocese of Ibarra held the Pre-Eucharistic Congress at the beginning of July. The event brought together a broad representation of the local Catholic community, including youth ministry, the […]

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Date: July 26, 2024

IEC 2024: A Congress with a Latin American Face

Preparations are advancing for the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress, which will take place from September 8 to 15. This was explained by Father Juan Carlos Garzón, Secretary General of the major Eucharistic event of the Universal Church, IEC 2024, during his appearance on the program “Al Caer el Sol” with journalist Bernardo Abad. During the […]

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Date: July 26, 2024

“The International Eucharistic Congresses in Latin America”

From the 19th century in France to Quito in 2024, the International Eucharistic Congresses have been an integral part of Catholic life, as they provide a transformative experience through the presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. It all began in Lille, France, in 1881. Émilie Tamisier, inspired by St. Peter Julian Eymard and his life […]

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Date: July 25, 2024

Esmeraldas received the Evangelical Book “Symbol of the International Eucharistic Congress”

Esmeraldas, July 25, 2024 Written by: Fr. Edwin Quinde On Friday, July 12, 2024, the Evangelical Book, known as the “Official Symbol of the International Eucharistic Congress,” arrived at the Apostolic Vicariate of Esmeraldas after touring various pastoral zones and parishes in the Diocese of Babahoyo. The Evangelical Book was received at the “Cristo Rey” […]

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Date: July 24, 2024

International Eucharistic Congress Accepting Registrations

Quito, July 24, 2024 The registration period for the Theological Symposium and the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress, scheduled to take place in Quito in September, remains open until August 15. This was explained by Paul Lamiña, Technical Secretary of the IEC 2024, during his appearance on the “En Camino” program on Radio María Ecuador, on […]

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IEC in media

Date: July 24, 2024

10 Facts You Should Know About the International Eucharistic Congress Quito 2024 – ACI Prensa

Source: aciprensa With just under two months until the start of the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress 2024, we share key information you should know if you wish to participate in this major event dedicated to better understanding, loving, and serving Jesus in His Eucharistic mystery. Eucharistic congresses, it is noted, indicate the sitio web oficial, […]

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Date: July 24, 2024

Fraternity Restored Through Reconciliation

“Called to Reconciliation” is the theme of the presentation by Fr. Damian Howard, SJ, from the University of Oxford, England, at the Theological Symposium “Fraternity to Heal the World.” The Jesuit priest’s talk is scheduled for Thursday, September 5, starting at 11:30 AM, as part of a session that will reflect on fraternity and the […]

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Date: July 22, 2024

IEC 2024 Committees Meet with Quito Municipal Authorities

On July 17, a delegation from the organizing committee of the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress (IEC 2024) met with Quito’s acting mayor, Fernanda Racines, City Councilor Cristina López, and the Secretary of Territorial Coordination, Governance, and Participation, Paulina Recalde. The meeting focused on logistical and coordination aspects to ensure the success of the ecclesial event […]

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