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Content of Interest

Press Room


Date: May 13, 2024

Catholic artists from various countries come together to sing the anthem IEC 2024

Quito, May 13, 2024 Editor: María José Casco In a gesture of unity and faith, Catholic singers representing fifteen countries came together to perform “Around your table”, the official anthem of the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress. This joint effort, led by the IEC 2024 Musical Commission, has given rise to a musical collaboration that transcends […]

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Date: May 10, 2024

The Diocese of Machala was formed around the Base Document of the IEC 2024

Machala, May 10, 2024 Writing and collaboration: Fr. Héctor Jacinto Pesantez Atiencia and Ximena Estrella Around the Diocesan Assembly of Pastoral Agents of the Diocese of Machala held in the city of Piñas-Susaya, on Wednesday, May 8, 2024, after listening to the message of Bishop Vicente Saeteros Sierra on the service of parish priests , […]

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Date: May 10, 2024

IEC 2024 delegation visited the National Assembly to coordinate efforts

Quito, May 10, 2024 Editor: María José Casco A delegation from the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress (IEC 2024) visited the office of the assemblywoman for Pichincha, Marcela Holguín, this Thursday, May 9, with the purpose of coordinating efforts for their joint development. During the meeting, the members of the delegation, made up of Monsignor Maximiliano […]

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Date: April 26, 2024

International Eucharistic Congress 2024 receives registrations

With less than 150 days remaining until the start of the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress, several delegations from various countries around the world made official their participation in the IEC 2024. The great ecclesial meeting, which will take place from September 8 to 15, in the city ​​of Quito, has as its theme “Fraternity to […]

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Date: April 24, 2024

Diocesan Delegates meet for comprehensive preparation of IEC 2024

Machala, April 24, 2024 At the meeting of Heads of Diocesan Commissions: Youth Ministry, Catechetical Ministry, Human Rights, Base Ecclesial Communities, Missionary Works, Social Pastoral Caritas and with the Vicar of Clergy and Pastoral have made a unanimous decision to dedicate the next Assembly of Agents of Pastoral of May 8 exclusively to the International […]

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Date: April 22, 2024

The Gospel traveled through the Diocese of Santa Elena: a path of faith and hope

Quito, April 22, 2024 Editor: María José Casco From April 15 to 22, the Gospel toured nine parishes of the Diocese of Santa Elena, a period in which the faithful expressed their devotion and joy. In an emotional ceremony, the Diocese of Santa Elena received with great faith and enthusiasm the official symbol of the […]

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Date: April 16, 2024

Testimony of faith and fraternity in the journey of the Gospel in the Archdiocese of Portoviejo.

Quito, April 14, 2024 Editor: María José Casco From March 27 to April 14, the Gospel Book, the representative symbol of the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress (IEC 2024), completed its journey through the 11 pastoral areas of the Archdiocese of Portoviejo. The tour included the parishes Nuestra Madre de la Merced, Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, […]

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Date: April 12, 2024

Diocesan communications delegates participate in training workshop

“Communication on the way to IEC2024” is the central theme of a training day that began this Wednesday, April 10, at the headquarters of the International Eucharistic Congress, in Quito. At least twenty-five IEC2024 communication delegates from the different ecclesiastical jurisdictions of the country participate in the workshop. The meeting seeks to offer participants theoretical […]

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IEC in media

Date: April 8, 2024

Dominican Republic held National Eucharistic Congress – Vatican News

Fountain: Vatican News Under the motto “His wounds have healed us”, this event, in preparation for the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress of Quito, was dedicated to prayer. Between conferences, confessions, Eucharistic adoration and the holy mass, thousands of faithful filled the Auditorium of the Casa San Pablo in Santo Domingo on April 7, Divine Mercy […]

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IEC in media

Date: April 8, 2024

President of the Pontifical Committee for International Eucharistic Congresses visits Ecuador – ZENIT

Fountain: Zenit With great enthusiasm and the delicacy that characterizes him, Father Corrado Maggioni, president of the Pontifical Committee for International Eucharistic Congresses, arrived on April 4 from Rome to the capital of Ecuador. The Vatican representative arrived with the purpose of accompanying and encouraging the organization of IEC 2024, scheduled to take place in […]

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