
Preparation for IEC 2024 intensifies in the Archdiocese of Quito

With just 88 days remaining until the start of the International Eucharistic Congress, the registration process for this great meeting of the Universal Church intensifies.In the Archdiocese of Quito, there is greater interest in living the Eucharistic Mystery and reflecting on the theme “Fraternity to heal the world.”

This Tuesday, June 11, the clergy of the 23 parishes that are part of the Vicariate San Miguel Arcángel, of the Archdiocese of Quito, in the north of Quito, received the IEC 2024 animation team, to learn details of the process of preparation for the International Eucharistic Congress.

The meeting began with a moment of Eucharistic adoration in the chapel of the Blessed Sacrament, in the Santa Marianita de Jesús parish.

The Secretary General of the IEC 2024, Father Juan Carlos Garzón explained the ecclesiastical, theological and pastoral preparation process that has been followed, around the Base Document, which delves into the Congress theme “Fraternity to heal the world” and in the quote evangelical “You are all brothers”, from the Gospel of Saint Matthew, chapter 23, verse 8.

Fertility of the Eucharist for evangelization

According to Pope Francis, by choosing the city of Quito as the headquarters of the IEC 2024, the International Eucharistic Congress will be the opportunity for “the fruitfulness of the Eucharist for evangelization and the renewal of faith in the Latin American continent to be manifested.

The 53rd International Eucharistic Congress coincides with the commemoration of the 150th anniversary of the Consecration of Ecuador to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, a historic event that was considered by the Holy Father to choose Quito as the venue for the IEC 2024.

Furthermore, the city of Quito is characterized by having been the headquarters of the First National Eucharistic Congress, in June 1886.

Fraternity to heal the world

Father Juan Carlos Garzón highlighted that the theme that Pope Francis defined for the Congress has a close relationship with his encyclical Fratelli Tutti, on fraternity and social friendship, which was presented to the world on October 3, 2020. In addition, he commented that the theme appeals to the urgency of promoting brotherhood and building peace in a world wounded by wars and violence.

He explained the entire preparation process carried out for the Congress, from the creation of the prayer, the logo, the anthem, but above all the pastoral work that, as the date of the Congress approaches, intensifies in the different jurisdictions. ecclesiastics of the country.

Since the beginning of this year, reflection on the theme of the Congress has intensified, based on a study of the Base Document, which is the text that offers the theological and pastoral bases on fraternity and the Eucharist.

According to him, the Base Document has a profound social impact, because the reflection on the theme of the Congress is based on the theological foundation of fraternity to pastoral action, which seeks to respond to Jesus’ request “give them something to eat.”

Theological Symposium

He also explained that, prior to the Congress, from September 4 to 7, a theological symposium will be held on the central theme of the Eucharistic Congress, “Fraternity to heal the world” “You are all brothers” (Mt 23, 8).

This academic meeting, which will take place at the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador, will bring together specialists and scholars in sacramental theology and pastoral theology, trainers from seminaries or formation houses, who will delve into the Eucharistic Mystery and the relationship of the Christian faith. with social reality, in a key of fraternity.

True encounter with Christ Eucharist

Father Santiago Vaca, parish priest of San José de El Inca, highlighted the progress that is being made in the process of preparing the Congress. He commented that in his parish the base document has been studied, with the pastoral teams, with weekly meetings, since the month of April, every Friday. In the meetings, he discusses this ecclesial event with all the faithful. Monthly meetings are held with the parents of the children preparing for their first communion and confirmation.

He said that in his parish the celebration of the Eucharistic Mystery has been promoted, so that it is a true encounter with Christ in the Eucharist.He explained that every Thursday the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is revived and the chapel of permanent Adoration of Jesus Eucharist is kept open every day.

He commented that the theme chosen for the Congress, “Fraternity to heal the world”, which was defined in post-pandemic times, was very timely to reflect on the urgency of healing the wounds left by the pandemic, as well as the realities of violence, wars that affect the world.

Mission of fraternity in homes

For his part, Father Marco Jaramillo, parish priest of the Immaculate Conception of Llano Grande, commented that adequate and timely information is being offered to motivate the faithful to participate in this event that the archdiocese of Quito and the country will experience.

He reported that in his parish a mission is being carried out, which began last February, which has the commitment of the pastoral groups to visit the homes of the entire parish, door to door, with the Congress theme: “Fraternity to heal the world.” .


Registration to participate in the International Eucharistic Congress and the Theological Symposium remains open until August 15. Evelyn Herrera and Paúl Lamiña, from the animation team of the Congress Organizing Commission, explained details about the registration and registration process, both for participation in the Symposium and for those who long to experience reflection and communion with Jesus in the Eucharist.

At least 10 parish priests of the San Miguel Arcángel Vicariate took advantage of the visit of the IEC 2024 animation team to register the delegations of their parishes.
As the closing date for registration approaches, the interest of pastoral teams and faithful to participate in the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress, which will take place in Quito, from September 8 to 15, increases.

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