
Pope Francis receives Official Delegation of the IEC 2024

Pope Francis received the visit of the Official Delegation of the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress, IEC 2024. The meeting took place in the room attached to the Paul VI Auditorium of the Holy See, on Wednesday, May 22, 2024.

In an atmosphere of fraternity and with the warmth that he is known for, the Holy Father dedicated a few minutes to listen to each member of the delegation chaired by Monsignor Alfredo José Espinoza Mateus, SDB., Archbishop of Quito and Primate of Ecuador. Also attending were Pabel Muñoz, mayor of the Metropolitan District of Quito, DMQ; Monsignor Marcos Pérez, archbishop of Cuenca; Fr. Corrado Maggioni, president of the Pontifical Committee for International Eucharistic Congresses; P. Juan Carlos Garzón, general secretary of the IEC 2024; diocesan priests, men and women religious and lay people.

Monsignor Espinoza detailed the progress of the Congress and thanked the Holy Father for receiving the visit as it constitutes a great motivation to advance on the path of preparation towards the IEC 2024 that will take place from September 8 to 15 in Quito – Ecuador.

For his part, the Mayor of the Ecuadorian capital, ratified his commitment to collaborate, from the area of ​​his competence. When referring to the motto of the Congress: “Fraternity to heal the world”, he expressed that it is the opportunity to feel and live as true brothers.

The Holy Father finally blessed Ecuador and the entire Delegation, in an act of deep faith.

#congresoeucaristico2024 #iec2024

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