Contenido de Interés


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Simposio Teológico Internacional: Ponencias tercer día

View and download the photographs of the Theological Symposium: Presentations of the third day

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En vivo día 03 del Simposio Teológico Internacional – Jornada Matutina

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En vivo día 02 del Simposio Teológico Internacional – Jornada Vespertina


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En vivo día 02 del Simposio Teológico Internacional – Jornada Matutina

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Cardenal Baltazar Porras, Legado Pontificio en el Simposio Teológico

Mira y descargar las fotografías Cardenal Baltazar Porras, Legado Pontificio en el Simposio Teológico.

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Simposio Teológico Internacional: Eucaristía del tercer día

Mira y descargar las fotografías del Simposio Teológico: Eucaristía del tercer día.

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Entrevista con Mons. Alfredo José Espinoza – Arzobispo de Quito | Contacto Directo | Ecuavisa

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Arrival of the Papal Legacy: Cardinal Baltazar Porras

View and download the photographs of the arrival of the Pontifical Legate: Cardinal Baltazar Porras.

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Image Gallery

International Theological Symposium: Presentation of Second Day

View and download the photographs from the Theological Symposium: Presentations and moments from the second day.

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Image Gallery

International Theological Symposium: Eucharist of the Second Day

View and download the photographs from the Theological Symposium: Eucharist of the Second Day.

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