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Lenten Reflections: Fasting and Fraternity

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Fecha de emisión: February 22, 2024Ep.46 Fraternidad para sanar el mundo: La oración en tiempo de Cuaresma.
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Ep.46 Fraternidad para sanar el mundo: La oración en tiempo de Cuaresma.

Invitado: José Requenes Consagrado a Dios y Sacerdote en “La obra de la Iglesia” Párroco de Santa Ana de Nayón – Quito.

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Heading to IEC 2024: Key Meeting of delegates of Ecclesiastical Jurisdictions and Communication

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Diocesan Directors of Pontifical Mission Societies are trained around IEC2024

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Spain prepares: delegates ready for IEC2024.

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Crib Live Bread Lowered from Heaven receives recognition in Quito.

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Crib Live Bread Lowered from Heaven receives recognition in Quito.

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Crib Live Bread Lowered from Heaven receives recognition in Quito.

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IEC 2024 symbol tours the Diocese of Machala

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The Plenary Assembly of the Ecuadorian Episcopate Promotes the Path to the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress.

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