
The magazine “Phase” echoes the IEC 2024.

We invite you to review the following articles:

  • P. Lino Emilio Díez ValladaresAn Unknown (or Ignored?) Ritual: The Ritual of Holy Communion and Eucharistic Worship Outside of Mass, page 281.
  • P. Vittore BoccardiA Spiritual Journey for Our Time: The Meaning of Eucharistic Worship Outside of Mass, page 303.
  • P. Corrado Maggioni“Fraternity to Heal the World”: The Eucharistic Light of the Quito 2024 Congress, page 319.
  • P. Juan Carlos Garzón OchoaJourney to the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress, Quito 2024, page 333.

Published in the magazine:

phase – Culto eucarísitico: celebración vs. adoración. num 373 

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