Content of Interest

Image Gallery

Image Gallery

Tour of the Gospels through the different Ecclesiastical Jurisdictions of the country – Diocese of Ibarra

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Tour of the Gospels through the different Ecclesiastical Jurisdictions of the country – Diocese of Tulcán

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Plenary Assembly Day 3: Visit to the archiepiscopal palace

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Plenary Assembly Day 3: Visit to the Panecillo

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Plenary Assembly Day 2: Visit to the Metropolitan Convention Center – CCMQ

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Plenary Assembly Day 2: Visit to the Middle of the World

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Plenary Assembly Day 2: Conference and Presentation of the Base Text

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Plenary Assembly Day 2: Holy Eucharist

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Plenary Assembly Day 1: Delivery of the Key to Quito

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Plenary Assembly Day 1: Solemn Eucharist

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