
Redeemed Brotherhood in Christ: Sr. Daniela Cannavina

Summary of the first conference on Tuesday, September 10.

The starting point or genesis of our brotherhood is the encounter of faith with Jesus of Nazareth. There lies the essence and flavor of true fraternity. Jesus redeems brotherhood through the listening to His Word of life and around the table of His Body and Blood, which make us universal, close, compassionate brothers and sisters, without exclusions and without borders.

The point of conversion or metanoia for our brotherhood is the Eucharist. There, Jesus’ limitless and unconditional love becomes an epiphany of communion, participation, and inclusion. For Jesus, the act of breaking the Bread is more than a ritual gesture; it is a way of life in which nothing is held back out of love for God and neighbor. The Eucharist becomes Christ’s testament and memory of love because it transforms every relationship of imposition into freedom, of dominance into gratitude, and of indifference into solidarity.

The culmination of a redeemed brotherhood is the transfiguration of the wounded world through the revolution of Jesus’ tenderness, Son of God and universal brother. A fraternity that springs from a grateful heart, reaching out to both the brother and the stranger on the journey. Thus, the gentle light of the Eucharist illuminates the invisible faces of existential peripheries under the same synodal tent of the Church. Only the Eucharistic light can turn fraternal diversities into strengths rather than threats. Therefore, the challenge is to believe in and create communities of brothers and sisters redeemed in Christ that are more human, more horizontal, more Eucharistic, with the flavor of the Gospel and the Eucharist.

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