Quito - Ecuador. Septiembre, 2024
More information:
Av. América N24-59 y Av. La Gasca
Teléfono: (593) 96 972 1752
Fax: (593) 22501429
Contact us:
Secretaria General:
It will take place from September 8 to 15 at the Quito Metropolitan Convention Center (CCMQ), located on Av. Río Amazonas, north of the capital.
Put the location of google map
Ver ubicación
In the following form:https://acortar.link/UxBanY
Registration will open on April 2, 2024, with limited spaces.
The airport has authorized taxis with an average rate of USD25, as well as other transportation applications.
The U.S. dollar.
In September, the temperature in Quito varies between 9º to 23º degrees Celsius (farengeith). Possible rain during the day. More information:https://shre.ink/rkrp
Simultaneous translation will be available: Spanish, English, Italian, Portuguese and French.
It is recommended to dress decently. It is requested to maintain respectful behavior.
The certificate will be sent digitally post IEC 2024.
More information about visas: https://www.gob.ec/mremh/tramites/concesion-visa-visitante-
Visit https://www.iec2024.ec/hoteles-congreso/ to find a suggestion of hotels and religious houses with preferential conditions.
Quito is a safe place to travel. We have permanent security in the places where the Congress and Symposium will be held.
There are several public transport services, such as the Metro and the integrated Ecovía system. Consult the system map at: https://www.quito.gob.ec/mapa_sistema_transporte.pdf.
There will be a food court at the Convention Center with a variety of foods at affordable prices and options for people with dietary restrictions.
Yes, the transmissions will be made through the official channels of Congress.
Upon arrival at Congress you will receive access to an App in which the emergency number and various services will be enabled.
All information will be updated on the website www.iec2024.ec and during IEC 2024 in the App.
Yes, there will be internet access at the Quito Metropolitan Convention Center for participants.
The base document is available on the website:
Additionally, you can buy it at the IEC 2024 offices, located on Antonio de Ulloa Street and Avenida Colón, in Quito, Ecuador.
Yes, medical services will be available.
500 meters on foot or two blocks.
Contact your ordinary or the congregation to which you belong.