
Blog y novedades

February 14: Ash Wednesday
February 14: Ash Wednesday

“In the fullness of time, God the Father has given us his Son, Jesus Christ, the incarnate Word who offered himself to the cross for our redemption, conquering sin and death and has become at the same time bread and shepherd of our lives.”
Number 8 of the Base Document

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February 2nd: Day of Consecrated Life
February 2nd: Day of Consecrated Life

Men and women from their own vocation are sent as salt and light, like yeast in the dough, called to be the memory and ferment of this healing in the middle of the world.”
Number 48 of the Base Document

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January th7: Baptism of the Lord Last day of Christmas
January th7: Baptism of the Lord Last day of Christmas

“The act that first incorporates us into the Body of Christ, which is the Church, is baptism.”
Number 25 of the Base Document

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From April to June
From April to June

Families are prepared for the enthronement of the painting of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. “Face to face” support material.

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Vía Crucis “Fraternidad para sanar el mundo”
Vía Crucis “Fraternidad para sanar el mundo”

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January 1st: Holy Mary Mother of God World Day of Peace 2023
January 1st: Holy Mary Mother of God World Day of Peace 2023

“The fatherhood of God is a generator of the fraternity that we recognize in the exchange of a sign of peace.” Number 32 of the Base Document

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July – August
July – August

Immediate preparation for IEC 2024. Deepening of SYMPOSIUM-CONGRESS topics.

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Día de la vida consagrada
Día de la vida consagrada

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Semana de Oración por unidad de los cristianos
Semana de Oración por unidad de los cristianos

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June: Month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
June: Month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

“Saint Paul VI stated, “We hope that, through a more intense participation in the sacrament of the altar, the Heart of Jesus, whose greatest gift is precisely the Eucharist, will be honored.”

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