
Gospel-Book tours the Diocese of Ibarra.

Among the various events carried out to celebrate the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress, the diocese of Ibarra received with great joy, on September 27, the visit of the evangelical, symbol of the IEC 2024 blessed and signed by His Holiness Pope Francis.

This great event of faith extended until Wednesday, October 11. It toured each of the seven pastoral zones: Intag, Otavalo, Ibarra, Cotacachi, Atuntaqui, Urcuquí and Pimampiro in addition to our diocesan Seminary, the Cathedral Church and the monasteries that belong to the diocese: the monastery of Santa Clara de Santa María de los Ángeles Poor Clare sisters, monastery of the Most Holy Rosary Dominican sisters, monastery of the Heart of Jesus Discalced Carmelite sisters and the monastery of Our Lady of Good Success Conceptionist Franciscan sisters.

With the company of our bishop Monsignor René Coba, the lay movements and educational units in general together with the civil authorities and around the faith, we participated in the celebration of the Te Deum, where all the Catholic faithful had the opportunity to admire and perceive the spiritual value of this symbol evoking the ecclesial unity to which we are all called.

The spiritual itinerary of this visit was made up mainly of the celebration of the Eucharist, the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, the prayer of the Liturgy of the Hours, the recitation of the Holy Rosary and small catechisms that seek to make the importance of this event for our local Church known.

Finally, on Wednesday, October 11, at the meeting of the clergy, matters concerning the International Eucharistic Congress were referred to and immediately after the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, the symbol of the Gospel-Book was delivered to our brothers from the IEC 2024 Commission where it will resume with its journey.
“Fraternity to heal the world” an opportunity to be brothers and consolidate ourselves as a great family united in love.

#congresoeucaristico2024 #iec2024

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