
The Gospel traveled through the Diocese of Santa Elena: a path of faith and hope

Quito, April 22, 2024

Editor: María José Casco

From April 15 to 22, the Gospel toured nine parishes of the Diocese of Santa Elena, a period in which the faithful expressed their devotion and joy.

In an emotional ceremony, the Diocese of Santa Elena received with great faith and enthusiasm the official symbol of the IEC 2024. The person in charge of receiving the Gospel was the Vicar General of the Diocese, Father Juan Jesús Martín, in delegation of the Bishop of Santa Elena, Mons. Iván Minda.

The ceremony for the delivery-reception of the IEC 2024 symbol took place on Monday, April 15, and was presided over by Father Patricio González, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Portoviejo and delegate of its Archbishop, Mons. Eduardo Castillo.

Until Tuesday, April 16, he visited the Señor de las Aguas Vicariate, after which he arrived at the parishes of San Ignacio de Loyola and Santa Rita de Casia, where his profound value for the community was highlighted.

On Wednesday, April 17, the Gospel arrived at the San José Vicariate, El Buen Pastor parish and, later, at the San Patricio parish, communities in which the faithful united in prayer for the needs of the world and the Church.

In San Patricio, a solemn ceremony was held with parish groups and the community, in which the importance of this great event of faith was highlighted.

On Thursday, April 18, the Gospel Book arrived at the Nuestra Señora del Carmen y San Benito parish, and was then taken to the Nuestra Señora de la Merced Vicariate (South Zone) to begin its journey.

The Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes parish also received the Gospel, after which, on Friday, April 19, he visited the San Francisco de Asís parish in Posorja, which marked another milestone in his pilgrimage.

During its time at the South Vicariate, the María Madre Del Buen Pastor parish also welcomed the symbol and carried out significant acts to highlight its liturgical importance.

Father Óscar Lainez, Vicar of the San Agustín Vicariate (Central Zone), received the Gospel in the Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes parish in Playas, to continue its passage through the San Pedro de Zapotal parish and finally arrive at the Cathedral of Santa Elena , where it was exposed until it was received by the Archdiocese of Guayaquil, to continue its journey.

#congresoeucaristico2024 #iec2024

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