
The Day-to-Day of the 2024 International Eucharistic Congress

“Fraternity to Heal the World” is the central theme of the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress, which will take place from September 8 to 15. It is illuminated by the quote from the Gospel of St. Matthew, “You are all brothers” (Mt 23:8). It will be a gathering where Catholic faithful (bishops, priests, religious, and laity) from different countries and various ecclesiastical jurisdictions within the country will meet in the capital of Ecuador to reflect on fraternity, the Eucharistic Mystery, and its impact on humanity.

The Congress will begin on Sunday, September 8, with a large opening Mass, which will be celebrated at 10:00 AM on the Bicentennial Park esplanade, during which 1,600 children from various parishes in the Archdiocese of Quito will receive their First Communion.

Meanwhile, conferences and testimonies on topics covering different aspects of faith and Eucharistic worship, as well as experiences and proposals to restore wounded fraternity, will take place from Monday, September 9, to Friday, September 13.

Topics to be addressed during IEC 2024

The International Eucharistic Congress will offer a rich agenda of conferences, testimonies, dialogues, and cultural and artistic activities centered around the theme “Fraternity to Heal the World,” developed by prominent ecclesiastical authorities from the Holy See, various episcopal conferences, and esteemed university professors.

Wounded World (Monday, September 9)

The International Eucharistic Congress will open its reflections on the personal and global wounds that society faces every day. These fractures are visible in multiple dimensions: armed conflicts, social injustices, economic inequalities, environmental crises, and the loss of fundamental values, among others.

This topic will be addressed by Juan Manuel Cotelo, Spanish Catholic filmmaker, together with Dr. Rodrigo Guerra, Secretary of the Pontifical Council for Latin America, and Leyden Rovelo, Director of the Hispanic Ministry Office of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.

Fraternity Redeemed in Christ (Tuesday, September 10)

Human fraternity, though often wounded by sin and divisions, finds in Christ a source of redemption and renewal. Fraternity is redeemed in Christ, who calls humanity to be one in Him, overcoming all kinds of divisions.

This topic will be presented by Sr. Daniela Cannavina, General Secretary of the Latin American Confederation of Religious, CLAR. This Tuesday will also feature testimonies from great witnesses of faith, such as Fra Antonio de Montesinos OP, Archbishop Óscar Arnulfo Romero, and Bishop Leonidas Proaño.

Eucharist and the Transfiguration of the World (Wednesday, September 11)

In the Eucharist, the bread and wine consecrated become the Body and Blood of Christ. This miracle of transubstantiation is a visible sign of what God can do in each person and in the world. By participating in the Eucharist, society is called to be transformed, by God’s grace, so that actions, thoughts, and words reflect the presence of Christ in humanity.

This theme will be developed by Bishop Andrew Cozzens of Crookston, Minnesota, who presided over the Board of the National Eucharistic Congress in the U.S.

In the afternoon, Bishop José Ignacio Munilla will speak on “The Sacred Heart of Jesus: A Call to Fraternity.”

A Synodal Church (Thursday, September 12)

From laypeople to ordained ministers such as priests and bishops, each one is heard and actively participates in the mission of the Church.

Synodality is not just a methodology but a way of being Church, where communion, participation, and mission are the pillars for being a place of fraternity.

The speakers addressing this topic will be Cardinal Mauro Gambetti, General Vicar of His Holiness for the Vatican City State, along with Mary Wu, Advisor to the Laity Apostolate Council of the Archdiocese of Taipei, China.

Eucharist: Psalm of Fraternity (Friday, September 13)

This theme invites contemplation of the Eucharist as a hymn of praise that celebrates and fosters fraternity among all the children of God. The Eucharist is the highest expression of gratitude and communion with God and with others. This theme will be addressed by Catholic singer-songwriter Pablo Martínez (Argentina).

Eucharistic Procession (Saturday, September 14)

The International Eucharistic Congress will continue on Saturday, September 14, with a solemn Eucharistic celebration at the historic and colonial Church of San Francisco at 4:00 PM. Following this, the largest manifestation of faith in Jesus Eucharist will commence with an Eucharistic procession through various streets of Quito’s colonial center, adorned with giant flower carpets, ending at the Basilica of the National Vow, where a blessing with the Blessed Sacrament will take place.

Closing Mass or Statio Orbis (Sunday, September 15)

The culmination of this great manifestation of faith in Christ Eucharist will be on Sunday, September 15, with a large closing Mass of IEC 2024, or Statio Orbis, which means “station of the world,” a pause for the Christian world before the Eucharist “to take stock of the journey traveled and regain strength for future goals in history and time,” for only in the Eucharist, which for Christians is the Body of Christ, is salvation found.

During this solemn closing Mass, the location for the next International Eucharistic Congress, to be held in four years, will also be announced.

Thus, the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress, to be held in the City of the Little Chapel of God, will be the focal point for major reflections on fraternity and various manifestations and forms of Eucharistic devotion, in the context of the social and cultural reality of our peoples.


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