
IEC 2024: International delegations begin to arrive in Quito.

International delegations have begun arriving in Quito for the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress, which will take place in the city from September 8th to 15th. One of the first delegations already in Ecuador is from Australia, consisting of over 40 participants, including bishops, priests, religious, and laypeople, all eager to experience a profound journey of faith in Quito.

Monsignor Richard Umbers, Auxiliary Bishop of Sydney, Australia, expressed his joy at arriving in Quito to participate in the Theological Symposium from September 4th to 7th, and subsequently, in the major ecclesial gathering at the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress, which will be held from September 8th to 15th.

He mentioned that they arrive with great anticipation to participate in the Congress, which “seeks to heal the wounds of the world through the Lord Jesus in the Eucharist, who makes us all brothers and sisters.”

The Auxiliary Bishop of Australia also noted that “there is a need in universities and workplaces to promote greater understanding of diverse opinions and that it is important to love people, even when they do not share our views.”

He added that after participating in the Congress, they hope to “return to Australia with many experiences to share with others.”

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