
Cada día más cerca del IEC2024





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10 Facts You Should Know About the International Eucharistic Congress Quito 2024 – ACI Prensa
10 Facts You Should Know About the International Eucharistic Congress Quito 2024 – ACI Prensa

Source: aciprensa With just under two months until the start of the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress 2024, we share key information you should know if you wish to participate in this major event dedicated to better understanding, loving, and serving Jesus in His Eucharistic mystery. Eucharistic congresses, it is noted, indicate the sitio web oficial, […]

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Third Edition of the Hueca Fest Gastronomic Festival at the Bicentennial Park – La Hora
Third Edition of the Hueca Fest Gastronomic Festival at the Bicentennial Park – La Hora

Source: La Hora The Hueca Fest Gastronomic Festival will take place from August 8 to 11 at Bicentennial Park, with an entrance fee of $3. From August 8 to 11, Bicentennial Park will host the third edition of the Hueca Fest Gastronomic Festival, an event celebrating the rich culinary tradition of all regions of Ecuador. […]

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City Council and Archdiocese Fine-Tune Details for the 53rd Eucharistic Congress Scheduled for September – Quito Informa
City Council and Archdiocese Fine-Tune Details for the 53rd Eucharistic Congress Scheduled for September – Quito Informa

Source: Quito Informa Quito, July 17 (Quito Informa) – In a meeting, logistics details were refined concerning mobilization, crowd control, security, health, and cleanliness, as well as the operations to be deployed for the successful execution of the 53rd Eucharistic Congress, which will take place from September 4 to 15, 2024. The meeting was chaired […]

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Ecuador, país eucarístico – Radio María
Ecuador, país eucarístico – Radio María

Fuente: Radio Maria Ecuador: Un País Eucarístico desde 1874 Ecuador ha sido conocido como un país eucarístico desde 1874, cuando el presidente Gabriel García Moreno consagró la nación al Sagrado Corazón de Jesús en la ciudad de Quito. Esta consagración fue la primera de su tipo en el continente americano y reflejó el profundo compromiso […]

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El himno del 53 Congreso Eucarístico Internacional y sus versiones – Radio María
El himno del 53 Congreso Eucarístico Internacional y sus versiones – Radio María

Fuente: Radio María Marco Antonio Espín cantautor católico ecuatoriano y el Ministerio de Música Solideo de los padres fransciscanos, son los autores del himno del 53 Congreso Eucarístico Internacional. Titulado “En torno a tu mesa”, es una composición creada específicamente para el evento que se celebrará en Quito en 2024, y busca reflejar la espiritualidad y la […]

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¿Qué actividades se realizarán en el IEC 2024? – Radio María
¿Qué actividades se realizarán en el IEC 2024? – Radio María

Fuente: Radio María El 53° Congreso Eucarístico Internacional se celebrará en Quito del 8 al 15 de septiembre de 2024 bajo el lema “Fraternidad para sanar el mundo”. Este evento reunirá a laicos, religiosos, sacerdotes y obispos en el Centro de Convenciones Metropolitano de Quito, un lugar moderno y funcional ideal para grandes eventos. El congreso incluirá […]

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Simposio Teológico en Ecuador: “Fraternidad para sanar el mundo” – Vatican News
Simposio Teológico en Ecuador: “Fraternidad para sanar el mundo” – Vatican News

Fuente: Vatican News  En preparación al Congreso Eucarístico Internacional, en Quito, el encuentro académico de teólogos de varias partes del mundo, del 4 al 7 de septiembre de 2024, busca proponer caminos para restaurar la fraternidad en el contexto de un mundo herido, así como la relación de la fe cristiana con la realidad social. […]

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Archbishop of Quito invites everyone to participate in #IEC2024 – Vatican News
Archbishop of Quito invites everyone to participate in #IEC2024 – Vatican News

Source: Vatican News In the final stretch towards the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress to be held in Quito, Ecuador, from September 8 to 15, 2024, the Press Office of the Holy See hosted the presentation of the final preparations. Under the motto “Fraternity to heal the world” they expect the participation of more than 5 […]

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Dominican Republic held National Eucharistic Congress – Vatican News
Dominican Republic held National Eucharistic Congress – Vatican News

Fountain: Vatican News Under the motto “His wounds have healed us”, this event, in preparation for the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress of Quito, was dedicated to prayer. Between conferences, confessions, Eucharistic adoration and the holy mass, thousands of faithful filled the Auditorium of the Casa San Pablo in Santo Domingo on April 7, Divine Mercy […]

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President of the Pontifical Committee for International Eucharistic Congresses visits Ecuador – ZENIT
President of the Pontifical Committee for International Eucharistic Congresses visits Ecuador – ZENIT

Fountain: Zenit With great enthusiasm and the delicacy that characterizes him, Father Corrado Maggioni, president of the Pontifical Committee for International Eucharistic Congresses, arrived on April 4 from Rome to the capital of Ecuador. The Vatican representative arrived with the purpose of accompanying and encouraging the organization of IEC 2024, scheduled to take place in […]

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