
Blog y novedades

Pesebre “El Belén, la Casa del Pan” recibe reconocimiento en Quito
Pesebre “El Belén, la Casa del Pan” recibe reconocimiento en Quito

Quito, 7 de enero de 2023 En un espíritu de celebración y preparación para el 53° Congreso Eucarístico Internacional que se llevará acabo en Quito – Ecuador,del 8 al 15 de septiembre, la Parroquia “Nuestra Señora Reina del Mundo” en Carcelén, Quito, se ha destacado con la creación de un pesebre emblemático titulado “Belén, la […]

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Crib Live Bread Lowered from Heaven receives recognition in Quito.
Crib Live Bread Lowered from Heaven receives recognition in Quito.

Quito, 6 de enero de 2023   En el espíritu navideño, y en preparación para el 53° Congreso Eucarístico Internacional que se llevará a cabo en Quito – Ecuador del 8 al 15 del Septiembre,  diversas iniciativas han emergido para conectar este evento trascendental con la realidad y el sentir del pueblo creyente, en este […]

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IEC 2024 symbol tours the Diocese of Machala
IEC 2024 symbol tours the Diocese of Machala

Quito, January 4, 2023 The Gospel Book, symbol of the Eucharistic Congress, currently travels through various parishes in the Diocese of Machala, a jurisdiction located south of the coastal region of Ecuador. The Gospel Book, which was signed on May 24 of last year by Pope Francis, began the journey on December 5, 2023 and […]

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Comprehensive Preparation on the road to the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress: Virtual Training and Pastoral Commitment
Comprehensive Preparation on the road to the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress: Virtual Training and Pastoral Commitment

In a continued effort to strengthen the participation and preparation of the Catholic community for the upcoming 53rd International Eucharistic Congress (IEC 2024), a series of virtual trainings aimed at the laity have been carried out, broadcast through the official account of IEC2024QUITO Facebook account. In recent weeks, these training sessions have addressed crucial topics […]

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The Plenary Assembly of the Ecuadorian Episcopate Promotes the Path to the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress.
The Plenary Assembly of the Ecuadorian Episcopate Promotes the Path to the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress.

Quito, November 10. During the week of November 6th to 10th of 2023, the 154th Plenary Assembly of the Ecuadorian Episcopate marked a significant milestone by bringing together the heads of dioceses from across the country to discuss and reflect on crucial issues affecting the Church in Ecuador . On Friday, the presentation of the […]

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Audiciones para la formación del coro nacional del IEC 2024: Un llamado a servir con voces unidas.
Audiciones para la formación del coro nacional del IEC 2024: Un llamado a servir con voces unidas.

El pasado 21 de octubre, el Vicariato Apostólico de Esmeraldas vivió un momento de gran significado al iniciar las audiciones para la conformación del Coro Nacional del Congreso Eucarístico. Este evento marcó el comienzo de un viaje musical y espiritual que reunirá a voces dedicadas a servir a Dios y a la Iglesia a través […]

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II National Congress of ADMA: Ecclesial and Spiritual Commitment in the City of Quito.
II National Congress of ADMA: Ecclesial and Spiritual Commitment in the City of Quito.

From October 20 to 23, 2023, the María Auxiliadora Spirituality House in the city of Quito – Cumbayá witnessed an ecclesiastical event of great relevance. The II National Congress of ADMA (Association of Devotees of Mary Help of Christians) brought together 50 participants in a meeting full of spirituality and commitment. During this significant event, […]

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Gospel-Book tours the Diocese of Ibarra.
Gospel-Book tours the Diocese of Ibarra.

Among the various events carried out to celebrate the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress, the diocese of Ibarra received with great joy, on September 27, the visit of the evangelical, symbol of the IEC 2024 blessed and signed by His Holiness Pope Francis. This great event of faith extended until Wednesday, October 11. It toured each […]

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The San José de Chilibulo parish in Quito is getting prepared for the 2024 International Eucharistic Congress  with great dedication.
The San José de Chilibulo parish in Quito is getting prepared for the 2024 International Eucharistic Congress with great dedication.

On Saturday, September 30, the San José de Chilibulo Parish, located in the La Magdalena Sector, belonging to the Santo Hermano Miguel vicariate of the Archdiocese of Quito, experienced a day of profound formation and spirituality. At this significant gathering, all pastoral groups, including catechists and lay groups, gathered with enthusiasm to receive training regarding […]

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From September 13 to 27, 2023, the Book of the Gospels, symbol of the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress -IEC 2024- toured the Diocese of Tulcán. It has a total of 25 parishes, distributed in 5 pastoral areas. The Book of th Gospels (Evangeliary) also visited local Catholic schools and was present in processions, Eucharistic celebrations, […]

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