Blog y novedades

Everything is Ready for the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress in Quito
Everything is in place for Quito to host the largest Eucharistic experience of faith in an environment of fraternal unity within the Universal Church. This was stated by Monsignor Alfredo Espinoza Mateus, SDB, Metropolitan Archbishop of Quito and Primate of Ecuador, during a press conference held on the morning of Thursday, August 29, at the […]

“Pontifical Legacy greets the Ecuadorian people on the occasion of IEC 2024.”
Pontifical Legate for the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress, Cardinal Baltazar Porras Cardozo, Archbishop Emeritus of Caracas, expressed his joy at being able to participate as the Pope’s representative in the major gathering of the Universal Church, which will be held in Ecuador. In his first words after being appointed Papal Legate, Cardinal Porras Cardozo extended […]

Pope Francis appoints Cardinal Baltazar Porras as Pontifical Legate for IEC 2024
Cardinal Baltazar Porras Cardozo, Emeritus Archbishop of Caracas (Venezuela), will be the Pontifical Legate for the International Eucharistic Congress in Quito 2024, which will take place in Ecuador from September 8 to 15. The appointment made by Pope Francis was announced on the morning of Saturday, August 24, by the Holy See Press Office. The […]
Periodistas y líderes de opinión promoverán la fraternidad
De forma unánime, los directivos de varios medios de comunicación, periodistas y líderes de opinión destacaron la importancia de que Ecuador sea la sede del 53° Congreso Eucarístico Internacional, que reflexionará sobre el tema “Fraternidad para sanar el mundo”.

Journalists and Opinion Leaders to Promote Brotherhood to Heal the Wounds of the World
Unanimously, media executives, journalists, and opinion leaders highlighted the significance of Ecuador hosting the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress, which will reflect on the theme “Brotherhood to Heal the World.” In an informational meeting organized by the IEC 2024 organizing committee, media representatives and editorialists committed to spreading the good news of the Congress and the […]
IEC 2024 se reúne con líderes de opinión y directivos de medios de comunicación
En un ambiente de amistad y fraternidad, alrededor de 35 líderes de opinión, directivos de varios medios de comunicación y periodistas participaron en una reunión informativa sobre el 53° Congreso Eucarístico Internacional, que se llevará a cabo en Quito, del 8 al 15 de septiembre próximo.

International Theological Symposium: Spots Fully Booked
The International Theological Symposium, scheduled to take place from September 4 to 7 at the Cultural Center of the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador (PUCE) in Quito, has generated great interest. The organizers of the symposium appreciate the enthusiastic response to this academic event, which will focus on the theme “Brotherhood to Heal the World.” […]

The Day-to-Day of the 2024 International Eucharistic Congress
“Fraternity to Heal the World” is the central theme of the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress, which will take place from September 8 to 15. It is illuminated by the quote from the Gospel of St. Matthew, “You are all brothers” (Mt 23:8). It will be a gathering where Catholic faithful (bishops, priests, religious, and laity) […]

The Diocese of Machala has a new permanent adoration chapel for the Blessed Sacrament
“I Am with You All Days, Until the End of the World” (Mt 28:16-20) By: Fr. Héctor Jacinto Pesantez Atiencia As part of the preparations for the International Eucharistic Congress 2024, several activities have been undertaken to strengthen the faith of the People of God. One of these is the creation of chapels for the […]

IEC 2024: A Congress with a Latin American Face
Preparations are advancing for the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress, which will take place from September 8 to 15. This was explained by Father Juan Carlos Garzón, Secretary General of the major Eucharistic event of the Universal Church, IEC 2024, during his appearance on the program “Al Caer el Sol” with journalist Bernardo Abad. During the […]