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Teleamazonas: Entrevista al P. Corrado Maggioni, Presidente del Comité Pontificio para los Congresos Eucarísticos Internacionales
Teleamazonas: Entrevista al P. Corrado Maggioni, Presidente del Comité Pontificio para los Congresos Eucarísticos Internacionales

Teleamazonas: 53° Congreso Eucarístico Internacional entrevista a P. Corrado Maggioni, Presidente del Comité Pontificio para los Congresos Eucarísticos Internacionales. Mira la entrevista completa aquí. 

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We are called to be a fraternity that is nourished by the body and blood of the Lord to heal the world: Mons. Spengler
We are called to be a fraternity that is nourished by the body and blood of the Lord to heal the world: Mons. Spengler

With the celebration of the Holy Mass, presided over by the Archbishop of Porto Alegre and President of CELAM, Mons. Jaime Spengler, the activities of the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress began. During his homily, the Brazilian prelate emphasized the organization of this ecclesial event as an opportunity to experience the profoundest Eucharistic encounter. “We are […]

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Homily at the Opening Mass of the IEC2024
Homily at the Opening Mass of the IEC2024

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All continents gathered in Quito to experience the great “Eucharistic Feast”
All continents gathered in Quito to experience the great “Eucharistic Feast”

Delegations from all continents arrived in Quito to participate in the great “Eucharistic Feast” that began today, on the esplanade of Bicentennial Park. From the early hours of this Sunday, hundreds of faithful people were arriving to be protagonists and witnesses of this unforgettable and unrepeatable ecclesial event. The solemn Eucharistic celebration, which officially inaugurated […]

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Letter from the Holy Father to the Papal Legate
Letter from the Holy Father to the Papal Legate

Letter from the Holy Father to the Papal Legate, read on the night of September 7th at the cathedral: Read it in Spanish Leggilo in italiano  

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The sign of the Bread ignites the desire for fraternity in the people of God: Pope Francis
The sign of the Bread ignites the desire for fraternity in the people of God: Pope Francis

In a festive atmosphere, thousands of faithful Catholics participated in the solemn inaugural Mass of the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress, which began with a presbyteral procession and all the concelebrating ministers. After the opening rites, a video message sent by Pope Francis was shared, in which he expressed his joy at “being able to participate, […]

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Quito vive un ambiente de fiesta y fraternidad
Quito vive un ambiente de fiesta y fraternidad

Bajo el resplandeciente sol quiteño, miles de personas se congregan para participar en la Eucaristía Inaugural del 53° Congreso Internacional Eucarístico, bajo el lema “Fraternidad para sanar el Mundo”. Aproximadamente dos mil personas entre voluntarios, personal de seguridad y cuerpos policiales, desde tempranas horas de la mañana están atentos para guiar a los asistentes. En […]

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Two beacons of brotherhood in the world, Asia and Latin America
Two beacons of brotherhood in the world, Asia and Latin America

The Pontifical Legate for the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress, Cardinal Baltazar Porras Cardozo, mentioned with great joy that, on the other side of the world, Pope Francis strengthens bonds of fraternity, during his visit to Asia, while in Ecuador the theme “Fraternity to heal the world” is deepened. He said this after receiving the letter that […]

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Quito, Eucharistic city in the Middle of the World: Cardinal Pedro Barreto
Quito, Eucharistic city in the Middle of the World: Cardinal Pedro Barreto

With a warm greeting to the participants in the International Theological Symposium and to the ecclesiastical authorities of the Archdiocese of Quito, Cardinal Pedro Barreto presided over the Eucharist in the Middle of the World. A solemn procession was previously held with all the concelebrants. It started at the chapel located in the city of […]

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Ecuavisa: Estos son los eventos públicos del Congreso Eucarístico en los que podrás participar
Ecuavisa: Estos son los eventos públicos del Congreso Eucarístico en los que podrás participar

El quincuagésimo tercer Congreso Eucarístico, que se desarrollará en Quito del 8 al 15 de septiembre de 2024, ofrece múltiples actividades que permitirán la participación de los devotos. En esos días, la capital estará en lo más alto del mundo católico, más cuando se cumplirán 150 años de la Consagración del Ecuador al Sagrado Corazón de Jesús.  Noticia completa: Ecuavisa

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