
II National Congress of ADMA: Ecclesial and Spiritual Commitment in the City of Quito.

From October 20 to 23, 2023, the María Auxiliadora Spirituality House in the city of Quito – Cumbayá witnessed an ecclesiastical event of great relevance. The II National Congress of ADMA (Association of Devotees of Mary Help of Christians) brought together 50 participants in a meeting full of spirituality and commitment.

During this significant event, Father Juan Carlos Garzón, secretary of the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress (IEC 2024), presented crucial aspects related to the preparation of this important ecclesial meeting that will take place soon. Information about IEC 2024 was shared such as the official page (; the associated social networks, as well as radio programs and various digital platforms that provide attendees and the general public with access to updated content on the featured events, as well as material in preparation for the International Eucharistic Congress.

Additionally, the importance of using these tools to stay informed and actively participate in the Congress was emphasized, highlighting the tools available for those who wish to deepen their understanding of the Eucharist and its meaning in the Church and society today.

After the presentation, there was a brief training on the topic “Mary, Woman and Eucharist.” During this talk, he explained the deep relationship of the Virgin Mary with the Church and the Eucharist, highlighting how Mary is present in the Church as a mother. This reflection enriched the spirituality of the participants and deepened their understanding of the figure of Mary in the Catholic faith.

The II National Congress of ADMA in Quito became a space for learning, spirituality and union, where the faithful prepared to participate significantly in the IEC 2024, which is approaching as an event of great importance for the Church.

#congresoeucaristico2024 #iec2024

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