
International Eucharistic Congress: Presentations third day

Image Gallery

Conference: "Eucharist and transfiguration of the World" Mgr. Andrew Cozzens, Bishop of Crookston
Testimonials: Fr. José Antonio Maeso Gonzál
Testimonials: Mrs. María de Lourdes Amador
Conference: "The Sacred Heart of Jesus: Demand for Fraternity" Mgr. José Ignacio Munilla, Bishop of Orihuela - Alicante

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View and download the photographs of the arrival of the Pontifical Legate: Cardinal Baltazar Porras.

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Opening of the Exhibition: Sacred Heart of Jesus, Center of Spirituality

View and download the photographs from the Opening of the Exhibition: “Sacred Heart of Jesus, Center of Spirituality.”  

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“Fraternity is not and should not be theoretical,” says the Archbishop of Quito to his clergy

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