
The Diocese of Guaranda joins the preparations for IEC 2024

Quito, June 14, 2024

Editorial: Andrés Jaramillo and María José Casco

The Diocese of Guaranda joins the preparation of the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress (IEC 2024), strengthening Eucharistic devotion and spirituality in its community.

On the morning of this Friday, June 14, a meeting was held at the National Sanctuary of Our Lady of the Nativity of El Guayco that brought together priests, nuns and lay people from the Diocese of Guaranda. This day is part of the preparations for the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress (IEC 2024) and was attended by Monsignor David de la Torre, SS. CC., Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Quito, and Father Juan Carlos Garzón, Secretary General of the IEC 2024.

Monsignor Hermenegildo José Torres Asanza, Bishop of the Diocese of Guaranda, welcomed all the participants, motivating them to live this year of grace in our country and to make the most of this unique opportunity.

During the meeting, issues related to the organization and spirituality of the Congress were addressed; and the importance of the Eucharist as a source of grace and unity was highlighted. Monsignor David de la Torre emphasized the relevance of the Congress for the spiritual renewal of Latin America and presented to the participants the themes of the IEC 2024 Base Document.

Meanwhile, Father Juan Carlos Garzón highlighted the importance of the active participation of all the Dioceses and announced the schedule, the speakers and the topics that will be addressed at the Symposium, from September 4 to 7, and at the IEC 2024, from September 8 to 15, in the city of Quito.

This meeting is part of a series of activities prior to the Congress, aimed at strengthening Eucharistic devotion and preparing the community. The presence of Monsignor de la Torre and Father Garzón in the Diocese of Guaranda underlines the commitment of the organizers of IEC 2024 to make this Congress a moment of encounter and transformation for all participants.

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