
Fraternity Caravan made the IEC 2024 present in the Amazon region

Puyo, May 29, 2024
Editor: María José Casco

This May 29, the Caravan of Fraternity arrived at the Apostolic Vicariate of Puyo, where the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress (IEC 2024) was made present. At the Indipungo Training Center, the delegates of IEC 2024 and the Ecuadorian Confederation of Catholic Education Establishments (Confedec) took the message of the Congress to the representatives of the Catholic educational institutions and trustees of the provinces of Orellana, Sucumbíos, Napo, Morona Santiago and Pastaza.

The meeting began with a warm welcome from Bishop Rafael Cob, Bishop of the Apostolic Vicariate of Puyo and president of REPAM, who highlighted the importance of the Eucharist and fraternity in the Amazon region. Monsignor Cob expressed: “People need to contemplate Christ to know that God loves us deeply. We need his strength and his company; Therefore, I invite you to delve deeper into this message (from IEC 2024).”

He indicated that educators must impart values ​​that remain in the hearts and souls of those who learn them. “This is crucial in our vocational mission.”

Guided by the Base Document of the Congress, the members of the “Caravan of Fraternity” presented the Eucharistic and fraternity message. Rómulo López, President of the Ecuadorian Confederation of Catholic Education Establishments (Confedec), highlighted the importance of fraternity in Christian life. “Fraternity unites us with God and our brothers.”

Furthermore, he explained the importance of living in fraternity to build a more just and supportive society.

Father Livingston Olivares, President of the Communication Commission of the IEC 2024, referred to the Eucharist as a source of reconciliation: «The Base Document teaches us that fraternity is nourished by acts of reconciliation. Asking for forgiveness and forgiving is essential to maintain unity and brotherly love.”

The members of the IEC 2024 Communication Commission, represented by María José Casco, Community Manager, and Paul Lámina, Technical Secretary, presented the history of the International Eucharistic Congresses and detailed the program of activities for the next Symposium and Congress, scheduled for September 8 to 15, 2024.

The Caravan of Fraternity continues its journey through Riobamba inviting everyone to deepen their relationship with the Eucharist and to live the spirit of fraternity in schools.

#congresoeucaristico2024 #iec2024

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