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Press Room

IEC in media

Date: September 10, 2024

Teleamazonas: Interview with P. Corrado Maggioni, President of the Pontifical Committee for International Eucharistic Congresses

Teleamazonas: 53° Congreso Eucarístico Internacional entrevista a P. Corrado Maggioni, Presidente del Comité Pontificio para los Congresos Eucarísticos Internacionales. Mira la entrevista completa aquí. 

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IEC in media

Date: September 6, 2024

Entrevista con Mons. Alfredo José Espinoza – Arzobispo de Quito | Contacto Directo | Ecuavisa

Mons. Alfredo José Espinoza Mateus, Arzobispo de Quito y Primado del Ecuador, comparte detalles sobre el Encuentro Eucarístico Internacional que se celebrará en Quito. Durante el evento, se abordarán diversos temas de interés y participarán delegaciones de laicos y sacerdotes de todo el mundo. Míralo completo aquí 

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IEC in media

Date: September 4, 2024

Teleamazonas: Monsignor Alfredo Espinoza: The International Eucharistic Congress is a moment of reflection.

“The International Eucharistic Congress is a great challenge, a moment of reflection, and the Church seeks this every four years,” said Monsignor Alfredo Espinoza, Archbishop of Quito, this Wednesday, September 4th, 2024, during the interview segment on 24 Horas on Teleamazonas. Míralo completo aqui: Teleamazonas

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IEC in media

Date: September 2, 2024

The magazine “Phase” echoes the IEC 2024.

We invite you to review the following articles: P. Lino Emilio Díez Valladares – An Unknown (or Ignored?) Ritual: The Ritual of Holy Communion and Eucharistic Worship Outside of Mass, page 281. P. Vittore Boccardi – A Spiritual Journey for Our Time: The Meaning of Eucharistic Worship Outside of Mass, page 303. P. Corrado Maggioni […]

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IEC in media News

Date: September 2, 2024

“The IEC 2024 in L’Osservatore Romano”

In its recent edition, L’Osservatore Romano includes information about the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress, the most important gathering of the Catholic Church in the world: Hacia el 53° Congreso Eucarístico Internacional: El Evangelio en Ecuador, página 6: QUO_2024_195_3108 El cardenal Porras Cardozo, Legado Pontificio al Congreso Eucarístico Internacional, página 8 : QUO_2024_196_0109

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IEC in media

Date: August 26, 2024

“Program” “Face to Face with Rosalía.”

Together with our guests, we will learn about the progress of preparations for the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress, which will take place from September 8 to 15 in the city of Quito. This is the most important gathering of the Catholic Church, held every four years in different countries around the world. The previous Congress […]

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IEC in media

Date: August 26, 2024

“Diario La Hora: Healing”

The human species lacks memory; it repeatedly falls into the trap of privileging war in the most brutal terms, killing children, women, the elderly, and non-combatants without any moral restraint. Leaders of ‘civilized’ countries do not hesitate to systematically and impunely violate universal norms of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law. When the atrocities of Auschwitz […]

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IEC in media

Date: August 21, 2024

Diario La Hora: International Eucharistic Congress to Attract 30,000 People and Become a Milestone for Tourism

The International Eucharistic Congress to Attract Over 30,000 People to Quito. 1,600 Children Will Receive Their First Communion, Masses in Various Languages, and More. Discover the Activities Scheduled from September 8 to 15. Quito to Host the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress  que se realizará del 8 al 15 de septiembre de 2024. The event, organized […]

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IEC in media

Date: August 21, 2024

Radio María Argentina: Everything Ready in Ecuador for the International Eucharistic Congress

Only 17 Days Until the Start of the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress in Quito, Ecuador, from September 8 to 15, with a Papal Envoy Expected to Emphasize the Invitation Themed: “Brotherhood to Heal the World.” Full news available at: Radio María Argentina

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IEC in media

Date: August 20, 2024

Ecuador to Host the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress from September 8 to 15 – Primicias

Source: Primicias Authorities from the Catholic Church estimate that 30,000 people will participate in the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress. Pope Francis will not attend. Under the theme “Brotherhood to Heal the World,” Ecuador will host the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress in Quito. The event will take place from September 8 to 15, 2024, with the […]

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